Sunday, July 20, 2008

二日目:心斎橋 w/ Mr. Yajima

After a good night's rest and relaxation, the morning was early and ready for more exploration. Around Shinsaibashi, there's a lot of clothing stores ranging from punk to urban genre clothing. Majority of the stores are girl stores, takoyaki shops, bag stores, and music shops. The style and fashion in Osaka, a little bit more colorful than I've seen in Tokyo. Girls accessorize a lot more, hair style wildin out, guys dress a lot more prissy too...ehhh, kinda hard to differentiate between the guys and girls sometimes. Whatever, do your thang...anyways, here's a tour of Shinsaibashi. Peep.

Oh yeah, it was a lovely day

Shopping Arcade
My favorite store EVER!...and Chiharu's

They took him out the next week we were there...ahhh
Getting hellaaaa hungry now...

Perfect brew. In Japan, the extra layer of foam is considered beautiful in their culture. Now I don't know who agrees to that in the states, but I feel cheated out of beer. After a while, drinking that foam, in Japan, I realized that, "Yeah, you know what, that's pretty good." Then I realized what they IS BEAUTIFUL.
Okonomiyaki...Just 2?!

Maybe 2 WAS too much for us...ugh, food coma...おやすみ。

Best video game ever invented...Taiko Drums=blisters

A few reccomendations in Japan:

Macha Ice Cream w/ Azuki...mmmmMmm
Lucky Strike Menthol Lights Japan Exclusive
Ah yes, toilets here are sooooo accomodating. After you're done washing, a pair of silicone lips come out and kiss your ass.


Karaoke is a must

Believe it or not, but this lady in the middle is breaking into the 40's. Japanese youth apperance is unbelievable. The next day she was heading out to Canada.

Ending the night with a group, so fast. Seeing old friends in new places was a trip for me. Thanks for everything Kosuke, we had so much fun man. You're a great friend. Thanks for showing us that not all Osaka guys are fags. Good luck in Tokyo man, hope everything goes well. Next time I come back, big reunion with everyone from the 626 in Tokyo. I'll miss you Mr. Yajima. Take care Fam.

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