Blessed with a beautiful afternoon, still sick as a dog from the hangover and lack of sleep from the night/morning before. Keeping up with Kagoshima time and night life, is one hella hard task, trust me. For Americans, we party till around 2-3 a.m. and in some cheesy rap songs *uhum! SoSo Def songs*cough*...claim they party till 6 in the morning, which for the Japanese, can laugh at. Crazy, that they work during the afternoon till late night or early morning, then party it up ALL night after work till the next morning or afternoon. Anyways, had to keep up, don't wanna give em a bad impression on Cali people. Here's a nice afternoon at the AMU Plaza near the Kagashima Chuo Station.

After spending a lovely afternoon with Chiharu, shopping, getting stocked by crazy Otaku's at HMV, eating bento with high school kids...we seperate ways and meet up with friends...our friend Shichan(left) brought her room mate, Rie(right). Rie happens to be an inspiring photographer as well, and works diligently for a fashion magazine.

After an hour of all-you-can-drink...

...and the rejection short after

fuck it...drink up maybe she'll loosen up

making moves on the employees...sorry we still had to pay

Shichan used to work here! COME ON!...hook it up foo`s

I tried with my foreign charm...nope, I just got a nice Wolf Pack sign thrown up for me and Generation X

This is what 5 glasses of whiskey and 4 mugs of beers looks like


Someone's ripppppeeedddd.....

Peep the Virginia Slim! It takes her one week to smoke 3 of em

My "Oh Word?" Face

”おかえり。。。I'm Home...”

"Pick a damn song!..."

Reunited @ Last! 4 Hours was too long...

Same cig, 27 puffs later...
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