Yet another anniversary celebrated, as cherishable as the moments grow, so do our adventures. Small or big, it`s always an occasion I always look forward to. To all the couples out there, celebrating monthly anniversaries ARE cool, even after a year...the hell ya`ll thinking that after a year, monthly anniversaries aren`t relevant anymore...Anyways, the summer has definitely ended for us, and now I`m back to work and we both are full-time students, it`s good to kick back once in a while. Time flies so much faster now, and months are turning into years, semesters, seasons...damn.
Greek food has always been one of our favorite eats, and for those who haven`t tried it, due to any circumstance, whether it be the names you can`t pronounce, and scared to try, ya gotta get down on some Greek eats. I suggest you grab yourself some Gyros (pronounced "Yi-ros") and some Feta Fries, hell yeah, that`s some grub right there.


Yep. Dem Gyros got me good.

Daphne`s ain`t got shit on the realist.

After the food coma settled, we do our traditional sticker picture taking to commemorate the day...they came out whack this time...boo
After Party @ 309
Featuring... 子ねぎ

...and タコ


Drunk downloading



Landed! Nice...

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