Cheers Bitch! You`re 21!

First and foremost, I have all of you know we DID NOT get kicked out of RA! We were stopped by several party poopers...*uhum* some individuals I would rather not say...How rude to kill such a potential night that could have gone till the next day with lost memories and DUI`s...I guess turning 21 to some people isn`t a big deal, but to hell with that! I don`t care what people say, you should find your limit, look at it in the face, take a fucking shot, throw up, and with slobber and drool and vomit all over your face, you simply fuck your limit in the ass and go all out till you find yourself with no recollection of what had happened whatsoever, and wake up in the ER getting your stomach pumped, and wake up strapped down on a stretcher with your whole family crying that you almost died...yep, that`s how it should time Abbee, next time...I`ll be there at your stretcher side in the same condition...promise.

Brian, why are you such a bitchy boyfriend?

He still knows how to fake it being a good one though...ya know I love you Bri...

I love AJ. Period.

Official. Finally! that`s two virginities lost! I hope...

Abbee in crucial condition...first to go

This means trouble...

Sake bombs never hurt anyone...

After a long, difficult time trying to get drinks after we were cut off, I was somewhat satisfied to see that the only person in the back of her friend`s car yacking, was indeed, Abbee...nice job, let us join you next "PARENTS" please.

Parking Lot After Party

You know AJ is trying to make someone agree with his perverted comment...

Coronians and an Arcadian

Basically I just wanna say:
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