Anyways, we were lucky enough to catch Miho the day before she left for Japan. Unfortunately, we missed out on her farewell party the night before, which I hope was as insane as it should have been. Booze, cake fights, tears, farewell hugs, neighbor complaints, nudity, vomit, occupied restrooms, the works! That's how farewells should be, leave your shame at home.
Before we ventured off to Vegas we met up with Miho at her pad near Glendale, where stumbled upon this heavenly looking bag of untouched Carl's Jr. Peeping into the bag, temptation almost compelled us to grub, but the sketchy part is that is just chilling in this tree. Now, that's too good to be true. Naw, I saved my pride, and grabbed some FRESH Jack-in-the-box.
Her last sight of real men in the US. Smile...
The love of her life...
one more hug! B.F.F.
Thanks for all the good times Miho! I don't know any girl as crazy, funny, and down as fuck as you. Stay the way you are, and have fun. You have the gift of making people around you, smile. You have made Chiharu so happy, and I'm so glad to have met you as her best friend. I will never forget the times we got ripped, which was ALL THE TIME! You are very unique, stylish, and a great sense of humor. I hope we can meet again soon, here, there, anywhere! I hope everything goes good for you, may you become successful. Thanks for everything Miho, please keep in touch! I added your blog onto my blog list so I can always see what you're up to. I wish I could read and understand everything you write, it looks so interesting. You are a good friend, Miho, I am honored to be your friend. Thanks Miho, good luck in Kagoshima! 今むしあついね。
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