Sorry,I`ve been faded...

Damn, it has been a while since I`ve posted, due to laziness and lack of interests in my own life. Actualy, it`s because of my lack of photo oppurtunies during this whack ass cold weather. I apologize to all my loyal readers and followers. As a matter of fact, I`m fucking pissed off that some bitch ass n**** came in my work and stole my iTouch...fucker...at least his get-a-way car got fucked up and made the equivalent punishment and value of my iPod. Anyways, it`s been a long vacation from this blog life and I need to catch the fuck up...here`s what`s been going on since school ended... and what the fuck is up with this cold ass weather? I can`t even whack off properly without my wood limping on me...
There`s always something to cheer me up when shit gets dull...and that my friends is my favorite food in the whole world...HAMBURGER STEAK JAPANESE STYLE! a.k.a. the Chiharu Special! Fuck yeahhh...her hamburger patty meat meals are the most legit on this side of the planet...my mouth waters hard...

After a long day of bullshit with Ikea employees, traffic on the 101, 405, and 110...bullshit frost bitten weather...I get to come home to this to top off my weak-ass day...ughhh time to take my socks off and get wasted as shit...brand new beer mugs to put a lump on my belly...


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