第二章:Phillie Dicks Gone Wild
Special Guest: Young Money Phillionaire
Special Guest: Young Money Phillionaire

First and foremost, Brian...JP...I apologizefor the long wait...I know I`ve been making your dicks wet as fuck and been blue-balling ya`ll, but the time has cum. Blue Ball Deep in full effect, minus Phillie Boy #3 a.k.a. Baby Ajax. As you all may know, we have a bad tendency to over-pre-party and we end up too fucked up to go sometimes or even have fun. Ain`t nothin better but a full finger vomit wouldn`t fix.
I gotta say that this night was a special treat for me...because I didn`t drive! That leaves me open to get as ripped as I want...Big ups to Phillie Boy #1 a.k.a. Yaypee for driving us. We managed to smuggle in a cantina of tequila into the bar, doubling our drunkeness and lowering the tab. Gotta think smart when you gotta save...Anyways, enjoy fuckers:

Phillie Boy#1

Young Money "Whale Dick" Phillionaire....psst...his dick is 7 inches long, HARD.

Ah shit! is it DJ Night niggs?!...Ahhh, it`s Ray-Gay Night...

Bish Fam Bam

Gayness again?

DJ Kentaro...no not DMC 2002 Champion

DJ Yuki


Waki-san has a 6.5 inch dick...FYI

UFC Fighters: UFC=United Festival of Cocks
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