Enough sight seeing! Ya gotta kick back and party sometimes...pshh...what am I saying? You gotta party ALL THE TIME! Lucky for me, I had other friends from Cali that moved back, people I used to party it up with. Coco cordially invited all of us to come out for her friend's party. We met up with Maiko and Noriji when we got there, and saw Junya and Masami too. Good times, feels like Cali. They party a little different out here, a little bit more mature than I'm used to in Cali. See in Cali we wild out and get piss drunk, get into fights, drive, get caught, arrested, harass people, just loud obnoxious drunkness...naw, no good. Over here, everyone is chill and very talkative, even to me. Drinks were free all night, that's what the $60.00 entrance fee covered...anyways, from the reception hall to the bar, peep the pics.
Ok seriously, why does Yuki drink like one beer...then, he looks sooooo ripped?! Jeez Yukes, get your game face on, don't take it off...

I love this guy, Hiroshi, he seems so quiet, but he is crazy sleeper status. So humble, generous...but when he's drunk he's ssooooooo COMEDY! Peep his faces throughout the night. Originality at it's best.

Old friends, new places. Word up to Junya for coming through...took him like 3 trains to get down here.