Damn! Already?! My final post for this year's epic adventure in Japan, done? Aw, well it's gotta end sooner or later. Anyways, we spent the rest of our evening after Sakurajima attending the Matsuri Festival in Tenmonkan. They do it up huge out here, way bigger, better than the ones in Downtown L.A. Little Tokyo, pshh...nothing but anime nerds there. The whole atmosphere is filled with the sizzle of what a summer night should feel like. The mixed rhythms, the crowded walkways, the heat from the grilles and fryers, youth is in madd effect. A variety of performances square off the crowd, from b-boys/b-girls, studio dancers, punk rockers, rapper, skaters, the whole street scene was heavy. Moms, dads, brothers, and sisters, old and young, gathered this night, all participating in the same activities, grubbing out, sharing moments watching
hanabi. Being able to experience such an event is a life story, and an unforgettable last moment and impression I had in Japan. Let's get on with the show...
French Dogs
Peep that grub! Mmm...try NOT being on a diet during the festival.
Watching the fireworks, they make it big out here.
Catch yourself of goldfish, take it home, eat on the spot, flush it...whatever.

Something to lure the kiddies...

So proper.
Forgot her cell phone at the pad.
Old workplace.
Real men own dragons.

For 30 yen you can grab one of the best tasting chocolate treats - Black Thunder!

My last morning view of Tenmonkan. Somany things went down here, alot of it I don't remember and alot of it I will never forget. Good times.
My last grub of Ramen, damn too bad it sucked...and the cook was a dickface.
More Tenmonkan...
...gonna miss this.

Some of Chiharu's old friends
...and Jason!


The Japanese Girl's Daily Grind.

Before night fall...

...assembled back with Mama, for one last time to eat her delicious meal.

A few surprise guests came out for a farewell.

Awesome, just when I though I would never be able to "onsen" anymore, I was blessed with the Kagoshima airport had a foot bath for one last time before departure.

...and Jason.

Gotta get one of these in my house.

Well, I guess this is how the trip ended. I knew months before I would even go to Japan, that I would have the hardest time adjusting to the California lifestyle again, and yes, yes I did. Seperation anxiety from the people, the places, my friends, the food, and offcourse the All-you-can-drink. The month dragged out in the beginning, but for the last few days went by so fast, and I really wanted to stay longer, even forever. I'm glad I was able to do a lot of things and visit a lot of famous places, even if I sacrificed every bit of energy just to do or see it, it was worth it. I left a lot of good people there, I met some new faces, made new relationships, made myself feel at home, got really drunk, basically everything on my checklist was checked off and some more items were added on as a bonus. Besides the uncomfortable humidity and rain, Japan is still one hella of a vacation spot. In the meanwhile, just gotta save up enough to go back and do some more havoc. Signing off my Japan trip sucks.