Happy Halloweiner!

First of all, FUCK BLOGGER! What the hell is going on with their stupid uploading system?! Fuck...making it hella more complicated...I don`t know if it`s just mine, but when pictures upload into a post everything is spaced out all weird and the order of pictures that I`ve posted are in a fucked up order...damn, ya`ll need to get those bugs outta yo damn system...fuck, made me hella agrivated right now...
Fuck it, anyways, let`s take it down a few F-word notches and let`s focus mang. So basically I had to choose a last minute costume, I mean 2-3 hours before we bounced for the club. Chihaur`s partying bud, Kana, always the first to know what`s up with parties and such...hit her up the day before to head out to Opera House on Halloween. Sounds good to me...unfortunately the new I heard from Joemm saying it was one hella AZN club...and for damn sure, it was. Nothing but far-east coasters from the outskirts of L.A. county.
As much as I can recall, I would say that out of all the people in line for the club were 99.9% AZN, and me the 0.1% Filipino...making me feel hella weird, not seeing any color but yellow. The usual LA wannabe scene bitches were there dressed like ho`s, as the usual, and every chic was a doll, a sexy maid, and the usual sexy school girl and nurse costumes...will someone please make up a new costume! But I ain`t complaining, every Halloween gives girls a reason to be all slutty, yet they complain dudes be feelin up on em in the club...well bitch your ass shouldn`t be showing.
Am I beeing such a dick right now? Well if you`re getting offended then I must be talking to your bitch ass....
Sorry, I need a hit. Enjoy the pics...
This dogg made my night, it humps your leg, moans, then busts a nut at the end! Nice...

Arrest this witch! She`s been seen in public with a huge ass beer...

Fuck Opera, and the dumb AZNs who ruined it..."Get out of the street!"...don`t you fools understand english? Pissed me off that we`d been in line since 8:30 and thes fucks came 3 hours later and cut hella hard...fuck ya`ll...

Broke off into our group, looking for the next shit poppin off...

President Obama made an appearance....Hope and Change were there too

After madd drinks, and after everyone started roaming around the streets, since all the places were closed, madd shit went down in the streets...typical L.A....Baracades went up, fools getting arrested...same shit everyday...

Peeps the sunroofed limo Prowler...hoodie hoo!

After Chiharu`s alcohol settled in, she went on a shooting rampage..."Anyone in a costume! Anyone cute!," she said...what you call this then? Cholos?

She later on realized, that she LOVES black women...there`s some ebony in her...

THAT ass was not necessary...I think I barfed in mouth a little...

That, ladies and gentlemen, are the fecies of the LAPD...
Good times rolled...way too hard, for Chiharu was still drunk the next day...love her for being such a trooper...atta go Chichan!